Dedicated Hosting
- What is a Branding Package? -> BrandingPackage
- How can I create a MySQL database? -> MySQLDatabaseCreation
- How do I pay for Yepa services? -> PrePayment
- How can I generate a pair of RSA public/private keys? -> RsaKeyGeneration
- How can I access a WebDav folder on Windows? -> WebDavOnWindows
- I receive a lot of email from an unique spammer. How can I resolve? -> ALotOfMessagesByOneSpammer
- How can I activate an autoresponder on my mail? -> AutoresponderActivation
- How can I change the autoresponder text? -> AutoresponderTextChange
- When I try to send/read emails I get connection errors -> ConnectionProblems
- I do not receive any mail -> DoNotReceiveMail
- How can I add a mailbox to my domain? -> HowToAddAMailbox
- How can I receive mail from a form on my web site? -> HowToUseMailCgi
- When I try to see my mailbox my password does not work. -> MailPasswordProblem
- I use WebMail. I can see my mailbox but I can not send email. -> MailSendingFromWebMail
- My mailbox is blocked by big emails. How can I see/delete them without download the whole mailbox? -> MailboxBlockedByBigEmail
- I lost my main password. Now what? -> MainPasswordLost
- How can I configure my outlook express to receive e-mail -> OutlookExpressConfiguration
- How can I increase the Outlook Express server timeout? -> OutlookExpressServerTimeout
- My mailbox is locked for over quota. Where are the messages someone send me yesterday? -> OverQuotaMailReceiving
- How do I pay for Yepa services? -> PrePayment
- I just create an email alias. When I try to send something to the alias I get a 'Relaying Denied - Proper Authentication Required' error -> RelayingDeniedProperAuthenticationRequired
- I do no receive any mail. I'm absolutely sure that my friend John sended me an email. -> SureDoNotReceiveMail
- WebMail mi restituisce l'errore Disk Quota Excedeed -> WebMailMiDaErroreDiskQuotaExcedeed
- I get a 'ERROR: Could not complete request ... Disk quota exceeded' when I try to access my YepaWebMail -> YepaWebMailOverQuota
- How can I configure Filezilla to use a SFTP connection? -> FileZillaSFTP
- Which FTP client can I use to upload my web pages? -> FtpClient
- Sometimes the FTP connection hangs or is closed by the server -> FtpHangsOrCloses
- I cannot login via FTP to the server -> FtpLoginProblem
- How can I upload a web page on my site? -> HowToUseFtp
- Dynamic DNS Service -> DynamicDns
- How do I pay for Yepa services? -> PrePayment
- Which version of GD library is installed on the server? -> GdLibraryVersion
- How can I access the site statistics? -> HowToAccessStatAndLogs
- How can I receive mail from a form on my web site? -> HowToUseMailCgi
- How can I toggle the directory index feature for a folder of my domain? -> HtAccessDirectoryIndex
- In order to debug my scripts I need a lightweight error_log -> LightWeightErrorlog
- I just changed a line in my 'mail.cgi' and now I get an 'Internal Server Error' -> MailCgiDoesNotWork
- Which version of Php is installed on the server? -> PhpVersion
- I get 'access denied' when I try to access the DBMS -> AccessDeniedWhenAccessingDbms
- How can I create a new MySQL account? -> CreateMySQLAccounts
- How can I create a MySQL database? -> MySQLDatabaseCreation
- My MySQL connect hangs saying 'Too many connections' -> MySQLTooManyConnections
- Which version of MySQL is installed on the server? -> MySQLVersion
- I just activate an hosting domain. Now what? -> DomainHostingJustActivated
- How do I pay for Yepa services? -> PrePayment
- How to contact us -> ContactUs
- Dynamic DNS Service -> DynamicDns
- How can I set the privacy of my FreeList? -> FreeListPrivacy
- SqlLedger error: 'Could not connect to server: no such file or directry'. -> SqlLedgerCouldNotConnectToServer
- How much does a PEC address cost? -> PecPricing
- How do I pay for Yepa services? -> PrePayment
- How can I configure Filezilla to use a SFTP connection? -> FileZillaSFTP
- Which FTP client can I use to upload my web pages? -> FtpClient
- Sometimes the FTP connection hangs or is closed by the server -> FtpHangsOrCloses
- I cannot login via FTP to the server -> FtpLoginProblem
- How can I upload a web page on my site? -> HowToUseFtp
- I receive a lot of email from an unique spammer. How can I resolve? -> ALotOfMessagesByOneSpammer
- How can I activate an autoresponder on my mail? -> AutoresponderActivation
- How can I change the autoresponder text? -> AutoresponderTextChange
- When I try to send/read emails I get connection errors -> ConnectionProblems
- I do not receive any mail -> DoNotReceiveMail
- How can I add a mailbox to my domain? -> HowToAddAMailbox
- How can I receive mail from a form on my web site? -> HowToUseMailCgi
- When I try to see my mailbox my password does not work. -> MailPasswordProblem
- I use WebMail. I can see my mailbox but I can not send email. -> MailSendingFromWebMail
- My mailbox is blocked by big emails. How can I see/delete them without download the whole mailbox? -> MailboxBlockedByBigEmail
- I lost my main password. Now what? -> MainPasswordLost
- How can I configure my outlook express to receive e-mail -> OutlookExpressConfiguration
- How can I increase the Outlook Express server timeout? -> OutlookExpressServerTimeout
- My mailbox is locked for over quota. Where are the messages someone send me yesterday? -> OverQuotaMailReceiving
- How do I pay for Yepa services? -> PrePayment
- I just create an email alias. When I try to send something to the alias I get a 'Relaying Denied - Proper Authentication Required' error -> RelayingDeniedProperAuthenticationRequired
- I do no receive any mail. I'm absolutely sure that my friend John sended me an email. -> SureDoNotReceiveMail
- WebMail mi restituisce l'errore Disk Quota Excedeed -> WebMailMiDaErroreDiskQuotaExcedeed
- I get a 'ERROR: Could not complete request ... Disk quota exceeded' when I try to access my YepaWebMail -> YepaWebMailOverQuota
- How much does a PEC address cost? -> PecPricing
- How do I pay for Yepa services? -> PrePayment
- How much does a PEC address cost? -> PecPricing
- How do I pay for Yepa services? -> PrePayment
- What is a Branding Package? -> BrandingPackage
- How can I create a MySQL database? -> MySQLDatabaseCreation
- How do I pay for Yepa services? -> PrePayment
- How can I generate a pair of RSA public/private keys? -> RsaKeyGeneration
- How can I access a WebDav folder on Windows? -> WebDavOnWindows
- I just activate an hosting domain. Now what? -> DomainHostingJustActivated
- How do I pay for Yepa services? -> PrePayment
- I get 'access denied' when I try to access the DBMS -> AccessDeniedWhenAccessingDbms
- How can I create a new MySQL account? -> CreateMySQLAccounts
- How can I create a MySQL database? -> MySQLDatabaseCreation
- My MySQL connect hangs saying 'Too many connections' -> MySQLTooManyConnections
- Which version of MySQL is installed on the server? -> MySQLVersion
- Which version of GD library is installed on the server? -> GdLibraryVersion
- How can I access the site statistics? -> HowToAccessStatAndLogs
- How can I receive mail from a form on my web site? -> HowToUseMailCgi
- How can I toggle the directory index feature for a folder of my domain? -> HtAccessDirectoryIndex
- In order to debug my scripts I need a lightweight error_log -> LightWeightErrorlog
- I just changed a line in my 'mail.cgi' and now I get an 'Internal Server Error' -> MailCgiDoesNotWork
- Which version of Php is installed on the server? -> PhpVersion
- How to contact us -> ContactUs
- Dynamic DNS Service -> DynamicDns
- How can I set the privacy of my FreeList? -> FreeListPrivacy
- SqlLedger error: 'Could not connect to server: no such file or directry'. -> SqlLedgerCouldNotConnectToServer
- How much does a PEC address cost? -> PecPricing
- How do I pay for Yepa services? -> PrePayment
- Dynamic DNS Service -> DynamicDns
- How do I pay for Yepa services? -> PrePayment