- Acupunture, a Comprehensive Text. Shanghai College of Traditional Medicine.

- Dr. Xie Zhu Fan. Seminario sulla Medicina Tradizionale Cinese, appunti personali,

USA 1981-82.

- Disease and Diagnosis for the Acupuncturist. By Graham Player Ac.T.

- Refernce Guide to Acupuncture: Zang Fu Principles and Diagnosis, by Xie, Dumbar, Plovanich, Cheltick.

- Point Syntomatology Book, by The Midwest Center for the Study of Oriental Medicine, Chicago - USA.

- Chinese Medical Philosophy & Principles of Diagnosis, by North America College of Acupunture.

- The Secondary Vessels of Acupunture, by Royston Low.

- Acupunture by Felix Mann, MD.