Chris(formerly Homerclese)                                                                          ĐhŪï$(fÕŪmĘŪĢĨ HömëŪįĢ˧ę)
Emporium's No Name Java Chat Room

Welcome to No Name Chat.

You have arrived at The No Name Java Chat Room.

We need a name for THIS Chat Room, send us your ideas at by Mail

To use this chat room you have to have a Java compatible browser like Netscape 2.0
Just wait a bit for it to load, up to 1 minute. Then your all set!

TO start of do the following:
  1. Read ALL Instructions, only about 30 seconds worth anyways!
  2. Type in you name and Email address.
  3. Click on connect Instructions:
    • Type your message in the box at the bottom, and hit enter to send.
    • You can change your name in the box at the top.
    • Double-click on a name in the list on the right to send email to that person.
    • To send a private message, select one or more names in the list on the right, click on the box labelled private, then click in the text box at the bottom to type. Any message you send while the private box is checked will only be sent to the selected persons.
    • Click the "Float" button to launch a separate chat window (so you can surf while you chat).
    • When you're finished, click the 'Disconnect' button to sign-off.

    Alot of thanks to Earthweb for making this chat possible to all of you out there!

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