Results From The Top Chat Votes!

Welcome! I figure that if you're here you must have voted on my page. Well here are some results, this page isn't too big yet, so don't expect great results!
The pages were all voted here by the you, the people! So keep it up!

1. The Globe Chat with 39 votes.
2. Cafe Kyoto with 25 votes.
3. Alamak Internet Chat with 19 votes.
4. Skatetalk with 13 votes.
5. Chat A While with 11 votes.
6. IMS Starlite Cafe with 10 votes.
7. Talker with 9 votes.
8. Teens Wall with 8 votes.
9. Cyber Park with 7 votes.
10. Down Under with 7 votes. No link, please tell me what this is!
11. Java Jive Rapture Cafe with 7 votes.
12. Regarding Sex with 7 votes.
13. Alter Zone New Chat with 6 votes.
14. L'Hotel Chat with 6 votes.
15. Cawfee Talk with 5 votes.
16. Chatbox with 5 votes.
17. Galaxy Chat with 5 votes.
18. Mojoski Webchat with 5 votes.
19. Aftonbladet Chat with 4 votes.
20. Cyber Talker with 4 votes.
21. Group Therapy with 4 votes.
22. Healthy Choice Chat Rooms with 4 votes.
23. Amanda's Table with 3 votes.
24. Chatterbox with 3 votes.
25. Japan Window with 3 votes.
26. Melrose Place Chat with 3 votes.
27. NetCentral Live Chat with 3 votes.
28. Riverside CA with 3 votes.
30. TV Chat with 3 votes.
31. Home/Design Related Chat with 2 votes.
32. Atlantic Records Chat with 2 votes.
33. Cygnus Webchat with 2 votes.
34. Friendly Faces with 2 votes.
35. GPG Webchat with 2 votes.
36. Kids Wall with 2 votes.
37. Nando Sportschat with 2 votes.
38. NFL Chat with 2 votes.
39. Novia Chat with 2 votes.
40. Parents Place with 2 votes.
41. Sega Chat with 2 votes.
42. Twelth House Chat with 2 votes. No link, please tell me where this is.
43. Virtual Irish Pub with 2 votes.
44. Webnet Webchat with 2 votes.
45. WBS Young Adult Chat with 2 votes.
46. IRC - Real Time Chat with 2 votes.

ALL THE REST HAD LESS THAN 2 VOTES. There were a total of 61 Chat Lines tied at 1, so get all your friends to vote so you can get your favorite chat up here! Keep on sending your votes in, PLEASE!

If you haven't yet voted, please vote In The Voting Booth
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